Is there a free online course on Price action for Binary options in IQ option or any other platform?

Answer: Yes, Price action trading for Binary options is a YouTube channel that has a complete free course on how to trade with price action and pure candlesticks. The channel also provides videos on some strategies for indicator traders. The basic course videos cover all major topics on how to trade with price action and pure candlesticks in IQ Option such as, Basics of Price action with live real trade-in Iq Option Price action Concepts for beginners Understanding Trends and actual rule of SMA Concept of SNR and how to select best strong SNR points for your trading Candlestick patterns and when they actually work as explained in books Real trades on how to predict the next candlestick in IQ Option Understanding Price Momentum and Price Movement How to use volume analysis in binary option for next candlestick prediction Money management trick with minimal investment and maximum profit Followed by real trades on how to predict the next candle videos that will he...