Best way to make passive income from home ? Free course offered here

As Covid-19 Pandemic continues in our lives, the time has come to reconsider if a passive income is required. Many accepted that passive income is no more an optional part of life, it becomes mandatory to make extra money. Doing what you are an expert at: Under these circumstances, most of us might be looking to make extra money for a living from things that we are experts at. But eventually, any passive income strategy which requires huge investment may not work for many. Also, if you are already working from 9-5 or 8-6 then you are done for the day. After your work, there is not much time for you to spend productive time working to grow your passive income. That's why an idea which requires more time to make money or energy, it is surely not possible for a working person to do after daily's working hours. So, this leads to the question of how much time daily you have to make your passive income? Ecommerce Website, selling things " earn while you sleep?"- True, but...